Radiation Safety

  1. 2. Our Radiation Safety Officer is DR.______.
  2. 6. A device that measures the dose of radiation to workers.
  3. 8. The 3 basic rules of radiation safety are time,distance and ___.
  4. 11. ALARA stands for As Low AS Resonably ______.
  5. 12. Increasing your distance from the source of radiation______ amount of radiation received.
  1. 1. Radiation is a form of ______.
  2. 3. _____radiation is emitted from the patient.
  3. 4. X-rays were discovered in 1895 by ?
  4. 5. The amount of radiation an occupationally exposed worker is allowed to receive is ____millirem per year.
  5. 7. Radiation effects the cells of the body and can possibly____the risk of certain types of cancer or genetic mutations.
  6. 9. How far should you stand from the source of radiation?
  7. 10. What is used to avoid gonadal exposure while taking x-rays?