
  1. 4. A negatively charged beta particle is identical to an ...................
  2. 6. The most radiosensitive phase of the cell cycle (2 words)
  3. 7. Differentiated cells are ................... to radiation
  4. 8. Delivering a total radiation dose in small doses at timed intervals is referred to as ...................
  5. 9. Major type of DNA damage due to UV radiation (2 words)
  6. 13. Ionizing radiation deposits energy ................... in the medium
  7. 14. An example for lethal chromosome aberration
  8. 16. SI unit of the absorbed dose
  9. 19. Ionizing radiation can be either electromagnetic or ...................
  10. 20. A food that is naturally radioactive
  11. 22. Principle target for biological effects of radiation
  12. 23. Erythroblasts are identified as one of the most radio................... cell type
  13. 24. Amount of energy directly imparted to electrons per unit mass is called as ..................
  14. 25. The most important cause of lung cancer after smoking
  15. 26. The radiation we receive from outer space is called ................... radiation
  1. 1. An example for radiosensitizer
  2. 2. The number of cells that survive to form colonies as a function of .......................
  3. 3. The type of damage in DNA that has a significant correlation with lethality (3 words)
  4. 5. A compound that is designed to reduce the damage in normal tissues caused by radiation
  5. 10. A form of cell death from radiation
  6. 11. Predominant mode of photon interaction at low energies
  7. 12. The most reactive oxygen species which is responsible for 2/3 of X-ray damage to DNA in mammalian cells
  8. 15. Radiosensitivity ................... with high LET radiations
  9. 17. An example for low LET radiation (2 words)
  10. 18. The optimal LET value to produce a double strand break
  11. 21. A physical factor affecting radiosensitivity (2 words)