Radiotherapeutic Technique

  1. 5. /A piece of metal alloy that can be used to shape the radiation beam.
  2. 7. /A part of multi small leaf and located in the head of the linear accelerator that is used to shape the radiation beam by computer digitization replacing custom blocking.
  3. 8. /Giving off radiation
  4. 10. /RadiationTreatment field.
  5. 13. /The amount of radiation used in radiation therapy is measured in gray and varies depending on the type and stage of cancer being treated.
  6. 15. /Procedure that used the X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound pictures, taken just prior to or during treatment, to guide treatment delivery. The tumor can be precisely located in 3-D space immediately before treatment. The ability to correct for movement and any errors during setup means smaller margins can be used, sparing healthy tissue and escalating the tumor dose.
  7. 16. /Diagnostic radiography unit mounted on gantries that mimic a treatment machine's range of motion and positions.
  8. 18. /A procedure that used a device to help a patient remain in the same position during every treatment.
  9. 22. /A device and located in the head of the linear accelerator that is used to shape the radiation beam.
  10. 23. /Tiny, permanent ink dot marked on your skin in or near the treatment area during the planning phase. These marks are used each day before treatment to align your body in the accurate position.
  11. 24. /A digital imaging device used to monitor and manage target positioning during the course of treatment (port films).
  1. 1. /An immobilization device fitting over a patient’s head and face to allow accurate repositioning from day to day.
  2. 2. /Radiation composed exclusively of energy, with no mass or charge,that is used in radiation therapy. They can be produced in the nucleus of the atom (Gamma Radiation) or in the superficial shell (X-rays). In general, they penetrated in depth and they are used to treat deeply seated tumors.
  3. 3. /An abnormal lump or mass of tissue
  4. 4. / The use of small radioactive sources placed on or in tumors to treat to a high dose while avoiding normal tissues;
  5. 6. /A metal filter of triangular cross-section placed within a radiation beam to intentionally feather the radiation intensity from one side of the beam to the other.
  6. 9. linear accelerator attachment for electron beam treatment.
  7. 11. /Hair loss from radiation therapy treatment
  8. 12. /The single point in space where a linear accerelator’s beam is aimed regardless of the orientation of the machine.
  9. 14. /As used in radiation therapy, device mounted on the walls and ceiling of the treatment room pointing to the treatment machine’s isocenter to allow accurate positioning of the patient from day to day.
  10. 17. /The process of locating and marking the treatment field to be targeted in radiation therapy.
  11. 19. /Additional material placed on the patient’s skin to intentionally pull the radiation dose more superficially.
  12. 20. /Treatment that is intended to relieve symptom, but not cure disease.
  13. 21. /Also called intensity-modulated radiation therapy. A type of 3-dimensional radiation therapy that uses computer-generated images to show the size and shape of the tumor. Thin beams of radiation of different intensities are aimed at the tumor from many angles. This type of radiation therapy reduces the damage to healthy tissue near the tumor.