Ranching 1800's
- 2. Stray calves with no branding
- 3. Only trail that went to Nebraska
- 7. Trail from Fort Worth TX to Abilene KS
- 10. When sheepherders moved flock to the ranges
- 14. As many as 5 million cattle roamed
- 15. Hundreds of cattle run over everything
- 17. Fencing off large areas of land
- 18. African American cowboy
- 19. President during cattle drives/ranching
- 1. Cattle breed from Spain, brought to Mexico
- 2. introduced cattle ranching
- 4. A large area of grassland
- 5. Number of cattle trails
- 6. Worn on boots with spikes attached
- 8. Rounding up and driving cattle
- 9. Moving cattle taking several weeks
- 11. one of the longest cattle trail
- 12. Adventure books sold for a dime
- 13. A rope used to catch cattle
- 16. Cased a huge rise in cattle prices