Random Facts

  1. 2. Pope that proclaimed December 25th celebrated birthday of Christ
  2. 7. Based on real person named St. Nikolas of Myra
  3. 11. Last state to recognize Christmas in United States
  4. 13. Comes from Anglo-Saxon word 'mistletan', means "little dung twig"
  5. 14. One of traditional colors of Christmas
  6. 16. Name of 6 presidents
  7. 17. First President to visit China
  1. 1. A ____________ on Valentine's Day is considered to bring good luck all year
  2. 3. Only President who was a licensed bartender
  3. 4. First state to recognize Christmas in United States
  4. 5. Only President with 4 names
  5. 6. Only President who didn't represent a political party
  6. 8. Only President who was a tailor
  7. 9. President who banned Christmas trees in the White House
  8. 10. Most popular flower on Valentine's Day
  9. 12. The earliest known Christmas tree decorations
  10. 13. Shortest President
  11. 15. Smoked 20 cigars a day