random pop culture and literature references crossword

  1. 4. Percy Jackson's personal loyalty is his-
  2. 6. in Anne with an E, Gilbert is informed of the fact that Anna loves him because Diana hits him with a brutal-
  3. 8. in Gilmore Girls, Emily is --- that Lorelai should have married christopher when Lorelai got pregnant
  4. 11. in aristotles poetics the importance of --- is explained
  5. 13. the general living conditions of those who live in the seam in the hunger games are-
  6. 16. in She's the Man, Viola takes on the --- of her brother
  7. 17. in Freaky Friday Annas friends are quite confused by her --- behavior
  8. 18. lots of books begin with a-
  9. 19. the illiad is defined as an-
  10. 20. political cartoons are an example of-
  11. 22. in The Hunger Games katniss is quite --- with a bow and arrow
  12. 23. in the Disney Channel original movie Let it Shine Bling --- himself to the point where people think hes rich and privileged when in fact he is a taxi driver by day
  13. 24. most sitcoms start with cold opens as a way to establish the conflict and characters with ---
  14. 26. the grinch is an example of a-
  1. 1. without filter, blunt
  2. 2. in Legally Blonde, elle woods is seen as a ditzy and shallow character despite presenting her cases and arguments in a --- manner
  3. 3. in beauty and the beast Gaston possesses a lot of-
  4. 5. a fiasco
  5. 7. Dr. Frankensteins monster is an example of-
  6. 9. the ending of The Blair Witch Trials is left open or ---
  7. 10. shakespeare wrote many of these, they all end with all of the characters dying
  8. 12. in the Disney Channel Original Movie Halloween Town people described Kalabar as --- before finding out he was evil
  9. 14. a faction in the divergent series
  10. 15. to scold or degrade
  11. 17. while being seen as evil, a good amount of villains express their motives with a degree of brutal honesty or ---
  12. 21. Animal Farm by George Orwell in an example of an-
  13. 25. Romeo and Juliet is an example of a-