Random things

  1. 4. A favorite card game
  2. 5. Anatomy Chasing Cars
  3. 6. After visiting this place, Sophia sang a song with the same name
  4. 7. Highest place we have been recently
  5. 8. I’ll Be There For You
  6. 9. State that April and Alicia were born in
  7. 13. Kristy’s sister in-law’s maiden name
  8. 15. If it is on a menu, Madison will ALWAYS order it
  9. 17. April’s nick name
  10. 19. Princesses, castles, rides, and movies
  11. 20. Madison’s great-grandmother’s maiden name
  1. 1. First Mexican restaurant we ate at in Georgia
  2. 2. Expert in all things mac-n-cheese and country music
  3. 3. Best school ever
  4. 10. Misspelled name on a birth certificate
  5. 11. Second state April lived in
  6. 12. Madison’s favorite color
  7. 14. Oma’s youngest son
  8. 16. marionna Gigi’s second great-granddaughter
  9. 18. Brandon’s mother in-law