Random Things on Ark and Minecraft.

  1. 2. amount of creatures which drop organic polymer (ark)
  2. 3. new hostile mob in 1.19 (minecraft)
  3. 5. first non-story DLC which included an abberation cave (ark)
  4. 6. Number of story maps (ark)
  5. 8. a hated biome due to hard to traverse and has magma cubes with open lava pools (minecraft)
  6. 12. rarest biome (minecraft)
  7. 14. The resource used the least in an industrial grinder (ark)
  8. 16. Java edition version of achievement, only permament in a world.
  9. 17. The final boss on the Island map (ark)
  1. 1. The boss with most hp (minecraft)
  2. 2. number of non-story DLCS (ark)
  3. 4. event creature for halloween (ark)
  4. 6. best thing to harvest organic polymer with according to dododex (ark)
  5. 7. has 8 variants and is very hard to kill, tame, but strong. (ark)
  6. 9. Crafted with 2 copper ingots and 1 amethyst shard. (minecraft)
  7. 10. first non-story DLC to have mini bosses to not use tributes (ark)
  8. 11. other rare color of mooshroom, commly made when struck by lightning (minecraft)
  9. 13. First mob, later removed. (minecraft)
  10. 15. Passive creature mostly killed for organic polymer (ark)