RAoC special fun game

  1. 2. azure crafts of the twelfth month
  2. 4. the simian impressionist
  3. 7. the elegance of the people of Cardiff
  4. 8. why is she awake
  5. 9. a minute movement hoagie
  6. 11. lasses on chairs
  7. 12. she of the demolished spectacles
  8. 16. the spunky canid
  9. 18. Baudelaire from the depths
  10. 20. nourrishing and delicious
  11. 21. delicate cousin of the pomelo
  12. 23. not actually Czech
  13. 24. a passerine sweetened by bees
  14. 25. a talon of churned cream
  1. 1. a paisley parent
  2. 3. a dreamy ratite
  3. 5. a catacomb
  4. 6. the dental unit of a mythological animal
  5. 10. of all the ceruleans, the ceruleanest
  6. 13. folivora measured in units of illuminance
  7. 14. the acceptance of imperfection on the American west coast
  8. 15. not quite a ninja but a wine connoisseur
  9. 17. a man worth fighting for
  10. 19. a figure of Greek mythology retreating
  11. 22. a young Chilean sending mail