RCD Mixed Bag

  1. 3. Thoms Hardy's novels are set in this region
  2. 4. Jeet Thayil's Man Booker winning debut novel
  3. 6. A Tale of Two Cities ends with the willing sacrifice of this character
  4. 8. A 'Lord of the Rings' main character; fashioned as a warrior after the Norse Beowulf
  5. 10. Dracula, famous vampiric creation that set the trend for all blood-sucking tales to come, was written by...
  6. 13. Novel by W M Thackeray, named after a fictitious location in Pilgrim's Progress
  7. 14. The Norse concept of the Apocalypse as mentioned in the Edda
  8. 16. "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the ____ and arrows of outrageous fortune"
  9. 17. Mohd. ___ ____ Shah: the first Urdu poet to come up with his own divan (collection of poems)
  1. 1. The man behind the masterpiece of Toba Tek Singh
  2. 2. Being and Nothingness Author
  3. 5. ________ House, by Charles Dickens
  4. 7. Publishing house concentrating on issues of oppressed castes and classes in India, started by S. Anand
  5. 9. Iconic and lovable Belgian detective created by Agatha Christie who loves dropping off random phrases in French
  6. 11. F._____ Fitzgerald, author of the Great Gatsby
  7. 12. Byronic brooding man-with-a-mystery; marries Jane Eyre
  8. 15. A whole book in the Iliad is devoted to this man's shield