Reach Festival

  1. 3. created Skrillex
  2. 6. music festivals have
  3. 9. are the loudest instrument
  4. 14. A piece of equipment that projects the sounds
  5. 16. Something Music is
  6. 17. The person who introduces the bands
  7. 18. is a genre of music
  8. 20. can go too a festival
  1. 1. what instrument does squid ward play
  2. 2. Music is.....That bounce around
  3. 4. is one of the most popular music genres
  4. 5. Music can be played at...
  5. 7. you can get most music from...
  6. 8. controls what the out put of the music is or remixes music
  7. 10. is not very heard of but everyone dances to it
  8. 11. Something you listen to at festival
  9. 12. is made from computingly generate sounds
  10. 13. is a popular boy band
  11. 15. are in classical music and rock
  12. 19. A... guitarist?