Read Alouds

  1. 1. Teachers help children develop fluency by selecting __________ that invite them to chime in on repeated readings
  2. 2. To comprehend print we must access this, otherwise known as 'background knowledge'
  3. 7. ___________ awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate sounds in spoken words
  4. 9. Tier of vocabulary that includes precise ways to say simple things
  5. 12. ____________ development predicts later reading and academic achievement
  6. 14. Reading aloud to children prepares them for ________________ reading
  7. 15. This skill is associated with phonemic awareness; the ability to recognize and create ______________
  1. 1. Running a finger beneath the text to help connect the spoken words with the letters on the page is known as _____________ the print
  2. 3. Questions that give children more opportunity to think and experiment with language
  3. 4. Concepts about _____________ are the knowledge that reading and writing are performed for various reasons and have many different purposes
  4. 5. Tier of vocabulary that includes low-frequency words
  5. 6. Repetition of vowel sounds
  6. 8. repetition of some consonants
  7. 10. Questions which are valuable because they help students listen carefully and focus on facts and details
  8. 11. The ability to read smoothly, accurately, and with the appropriate expression and meaning
  9. 13. Tier of vocabulary that includes basic words