Reading Books

  1. 5. something that is true; "I learned many facts from the book."
  2. 6. the space between two points; "The distance between Tokyo and Osaka is 397km."
  3. 7. to last a certain amount of time; "It takes about 3 hours from Tokyo to Osaka by bullet train".
  4. 8. the political leader of a country that doesn't have a king or queen. For example, Donald Trump.
  5. 9. to go into; "You can enter a different world by reading books."
  1. 1. to imagine; "I picture what the people in the book look like."
  2. 2. under any circumstances that; if;
  3. 3. States a country in North America that is south of Canada and north of Mexico.
  4. 4. to become completely focused on something; "I got lost in the story."
  5. 6. to find out; "Reading books will help you discover many things."