Ready Player One
- 3. James Halliday former best friend
- 9. Where Wade lives
- 10. Main character's real name
- 11. The first object possessed in the first stage of the hunt
- 12. Main love interest
- 13. Author of the book
- 16. Multiplayer virtual simulation where escapism is present
- 1. Digital username of the creator of the OASIS.
- 2. The prize won when you finish the egg hunt
- 4. Antagonist in the book
- 5. Virtual representation of oneself in the OASIS
- 6. OASIS user who seeks the Easter Egg
- 7. Digital username of the main character
- 8. Main character's best friend
- 11. Riddles given to the players to help find each stage
- 14. Major planet where education is taught.
- 15. Army whose job is to find the Easter Egg and take over the OASIS