Reasons for the Seasons!

  1. 3. Our home planet
  2. 4. Flowers bloom and birds migrate north
  3. 6. Half the globe
  4. 7. Leaves are turning and it's back to school
  5. 9. A cardinal direction, this way for penguins
  6. 10. The coldest time
  7. 13. A measure of hot or cold
  8. 15. Round and round, but not a perfect circle
  1. 1. These are the most unequal days
  2. 2. No school! Hooray!
  3. 5. A cardinal direction, this way for polar bears
  4. 8. A measure of the meeting of two lines
  5. 9. The source of light in the solar system
  6. 11. A perfect split between light and dark
  7. 12. We use this to see, and also for energy
  8. 14. The line dividing our globe in two