Rebecca's Bridal Shower

  1. 4. Rebecca's new last name
  2. 7. Month of the proposal
  3. 8. Country where Rebecca studied abroad
  4. 9. What you say on your wedding day: "I __"
  5. 10. Country where Alex studied abroad
  6. 12. With this ____ I thee wed
  7. 13. Alex's middle name
  8. 15. Where Alex went to college (abb.)
  9. 16. Where Rebecca & Alex live (2 words)
  10. 19. One of Alex's majors (2 words)
  11. 25. Alex's current Navy rank
  12. 27. Rebecca & Alex's dog
  13. 29. Wedding venue (2 words)
  14. 31. Bride's attire
  15. 32. Alex's birth month
  16. 33. Alex's favorite NBA team
  17. 34. Their honeymoon destination
  18. 35. You may ____ the bride!
  1. 1. He asked, she said ___!
  2. 2. Alex's hometown
  3. 3. Alex's favorite color
  4. 4. Rebecca's hometown (2 words)
  5. 5. Rebecca
  6. 6. Alex's boat
  7. 11. Walk down the _____
  8. 14. Bride & _____
  9. 17. Bride's tulle accessory
  10. 18. Rebecca's alma mater
  11. 19. Rebecca's major in college
  12. 20. Rebecca & Alex make a great _____
  13. 21. Rebecca's middle name
  14. 22. Cocktail ____
  15. 23. Rebecca's birth month
  16. 24. Rebecca's favorite color
  17. 26. __ be, or not to be
  18. 28. Promises made between bride & groom
  19. 30. _____ ever after