Rebuilding Israel

  1. 2. When the foundation of the temple was finished, some of the older people ____ .
  2. 3. "People of Jerusalem, shout with ____ ! Look, your king is coming to you!"
  3. 7. Joshua son of Jehozadak was the high ____ .
  4. 8. King Cyrus gave back the things that ____ had taken from God's temple.
  5. 10. When the temple was finished, the Jews offered 100 ____ .
  6. 11. "Your help will not come from your strength and power. No, your help will come from my ____ ."
  7. 12. The priest who came to Jerusalem in 458 BC was named ____ .
  8. 13. King Cyrus allowed the Jews to go back to Jerusalem. He did this because the Lord moved his ____ .
  9. 14. Levites were men who worked for God's ____ .
  10. 15. Enemies were causing problems because Jerusalem had no protecting ____ .
  11. 17. Before Nehemiah answered the king, he ____ to the God of Heaven.
  12. 21. The prophet who said that the people would come back after 70 years was named ____ .
  13. 23. Nehemiah ____ and prayed to the God of Heaven for several days.
  14. 24. Nehemiah's ancestors were ____ at Jerusalem.
  1. 1. The ____ was sitting next to the king.
  2. 2. The king who said that God's temple could be rebuilt was named ____ .
  3. 4. When Ezra saw the bad things the people were doing, he ____ his clothes and prayed.
  4. 5. King Cyrus appointed ____ as the first governor of Judah.
  5. 6. The king gave Nehemiah ____ and everything he asked for.
  6. 7. Haggai and Zechariah were ____ .
  7. 9. Nehemiah's job was to give ____ to the king.
  8. 13. When the foundation of the temple was finished, most of the people were ____ and shouting.
  9. 16. "Our help came from the Lord. The ____ made heaven and earth!"
  10. 18. Zechariah told the people that their future king would come riding on a ____ .
  11. 19. When the temple was finished, the Jews offered ____ goats.
  12. 20. Ezra gave all his attention to studying and obeying the ____ of the Lord.
  13. 22. Three kings of Persia were Cyrus, __, and Artaxerxes.