red sea v1 2023

  1. 2. The people of Israel were living in _____ when the book of Exodus starts. (See Exodus 1:1.)
  2. 5. Aaron used the gold to fashion a golden _____. (See Exodus 32:4.)
  3. 6. _____ sang and danced before the Lord to celebrate the victory over the Egyptians. (See Exodus 15:20.)
  4. 7. While Moses was with the Lord on the mountain, the people gave Aaron _____ to create an idol. (See Exodus 32:3.)
  5. 10. The ninth plague was _____. (See Exodus 10:21.)
  6. 12. In the fifth plague, the _____ of the Egyptians died. (See Exodus 9:6.)
  7. 15. God gave the people Ten _____ at Mount Sinai. (See Exodus 20.)
  8. 18. God talked to Moses at a burning _____ in the desert. (See Exodus 3:2.)
  9. 19. God parted the Red Sea and the people of Israel walked through on _____ ground. (See Exodus 14:22.)
  10. 20. God sent Moses to _____ to bring His people out of Egypt. (See Exodus 3:10.)
  11. 23. In the eighth plague, _____ covered the land. (See Exodus 10:4-5.)
  12. 26. In the final plague, the _____ children and livestock of Egypt died. (See Exodus 12:29.)
  13. 27. The Lord gave the _____ to Aaron to serve in the tabernacle. (See Numbers 4:46-47.)
  14. 29. In Leviticus, chapters 1 through 4, the Lord taught the people about _____.
  1. 1. When the people were thirsty in the wilderness, God provided _______ from a rock. (See Exodus 17:6.)
  2. 3. God led the people of Israel through the wilderness with _____ of cloud and fire. (See Exodus 13:22.)
  3. 4. In the first plague, the water turned to _____. (See Exodus 7:20.)
  4. 7. When the tabernacle was finished, the _____ of the Lord filled it. (See Exodus 40:34.)
  5. 8. In the fourth plague, the people were bothered by swarms of _____. (See Exodus 8:21.)
  6. 9. The Lord told Moses to take a _______. (See Numbers 1:2.)
  7. 11. God gave Moses a helper to speak to the Pharaoh. His name was _____. (See Exodus 4:14.)
  8. 13. In the seventh plague, _____ fell and struck down every plant in the field. (See Exodus 9:25.)
  9. 14. In the third plague, the dust became _____. (See Exodus 8:16.)
  10. 16. When the people were hungry in the wilderness, God provided _____ six mornings a week. (See Exodus 16:35.)
  11. 17. God protected the firstborn of Israel when they put lamb’s blood on the two _____ of their homes. (See Exodus 12:7.)
  12. 21. Pharaoh _____ his heart and would not let the people go. (See Exodus 8:32.)
  13. 22. The baby rescued by the Pharaoh’s daughter was named _____. (See Exodus 2:10.)
  14. 24. Moses' staff became a _____ when he threw it on the ground. (See Exodus 4:3.)
  15. 25. In the second plague, Egypt was filled with _____. (See Exodus 8:2.)
  16. 28. Moses ran to _____ when he left Egypt. (See Exodus 2:15.)