REE - Secularism I - Recap
- 4. Durkheim's 'absolute heterogeneous' binary to 'sacred'
- 5. Sacred nature + sacred humans = ?
- 10. Discussed law of nature and necessary 'checks and balances'
- 12. Secular nature + secular humans = ?
- 1. Theorist associated with 'disenchantment'
- 2. Theorist who implored us not to "immanentise the eschaton"
- 3. Lovelock's 'Earth feedback hypothesis'
- 6. Francis Bacon's novel that celebrated the role of science
- 7. Auguste Comte's theory linked to secularisation and the 'religion of humanity'
- 8. Discussion of the 'last things', endings, of something
- 9. Belief that God created the world and then left it to function on its own
- 11. Discussion of the goals of something