Reece B. week of March 4th

  1. 3. a lung compartment containing air
  2. 6. a small tube in the lungs that carries air sacs
  3. 8. an organ of the respiratory system that contains brochioles and air sacs
  4. 9. a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via. that supenor and inferion vena carae
  5. 10. a polygon with two polygonal forces with the other faces parallelograms
  1. 1. the tiny structures on cells in the living of many parts of the respiratory system
  2. 2. the tube that carries air form the larynx to the lungs
  3. 4. the upper part of the trachea containing the vocal cords
  4. 5. the dome-shaped muscle below you lung that contracts to let air into the lungs
  5. 7. a measure of volume of one unit wide, long, and high