Reform School
- 7. she criticized fellow scientists who thought they could master nature through science
- 9. created the geocentric view of the universe
- 10. Ancient philosopher who developed a natural philosophy; used deductive reasoning
- 11. Medieval Western scholar whose theories dominated medicine in the Middle Ages
- 12. Medieval Islamic scholar who said history must be studied scientifically and objectively to avoid bias; the father of social science
- 14. Enlightenment thinker who believed people are governed by natural laws and could be trusted to govern themselves as long as the government protects their inalienable rights
- 15. published On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in 1628
- 16. Renaissance-man who was the first to create a model of the circulatory system and diagnose heart disease
- 17. considered the greatest genius of the Scientific Revolution; explained how natural laws governed the universe
- 18. He developed the scientific method; used inductive reasoning to learn about nature and give humans power over nature
- 19. Enlightenment author who criticized the clergy and the aristocracy; he used his work to support his beliefs in religious tolerance and the separation of church and state
- 1. Enlightenment author believed to be the founder of the movement for women's rights; women have reason, therefore they should have equal rights
- 2. Medieval Islamic scholar who wrote the Canon on Medicine
- 3. Enlightenment thinker who used the scientific method to find natural laws that govern social and political relationships; believed separation of powers would stop one person or group from gaining too much power
- 4. created the "heretical" sun-centered universe
- 5. 14th century author who wrote in the common vernacular (for the common people) to criticize the corrupt clergy
- 6. Enlightenment political thinker who believed humans were naturally greedy and were in a state of war and competition
- 8. was denied the position of assistant astronomer because science was "men's work"; her discoveries were published under her husband's name
- 11. his improvements to the telescope led to observations that proved heliocentrism and was charged with heresy by the Inquisition
- 13. Renaissance political thinker who believed leaders should be feared because mankind is naturally selfish