Reforms & Muckrakers of the Progressive Era

  1. 4. Outlawed monopolies and trusts
  2. 7. worked to help create the National Parks system
  3. 10. Banned the sale & distribution of alcohol
  4. 12. Wrote "The Jungle" about the meatpacking industry
  5. 13. Regulates railroad & interstate trade
  6. 14. Wrote "History of the Standard Oil Company," exposing Rockefeller's corrupt practices
  1. 1. Held company owners personally responsible for violating laws
  2. 2. Took pictures of tenements to bring attention to poor living conditions
  3. 3. Regulates interest rates & inflation
  4. 5. Created a graduated income tax
  5. 6. Farmers who united to solve their problems
  6. 8. Banned the mislabelling of foods & drugs
  7. 9. Founded the Women's Christian Temperance Union
  8. 11. A journalist who exposes corruption