Regional Integration

  1. 3. - an arrangement which measure across all member state of caribbean community of the region
  2. 5. - involving two parties, especially countries
  3. 7. - including or involving several countries or individual of serval nationalities
  4. 10. - an association of countries trading with each other without restriction of tariffs
  5. 11. - bringing together smaller components into a single system that fuction as one
  6. 12. - concentrates on the behavior of the economy which focuses on individual people and businesses
  1. 1. - a group of countries imposing few or no duties on trade with one another and common tariff trade with other countries
  2. 2. - the use of government revenue collection and expenditure to influence a countrys economy
  3. 4. - involving atleast three different groups of people
  4. 6. - the theory or practice of regional rather than central system of adminstation
  5. 8. - an agreement between countries intended to reduce or remove barriers to trade within member countries
  6. 9. - legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action