regional variation and social variation.

  1. 4. In Javanese, things are very complicated. There are ___ distinguishable stylistic levels.
  2. 7. By the earlier twentieth century, a person who spoke with ___accent in England was belong to the upper class.
  3. 9. The boundary lines in the map of England to show between areas where different vocabulary, or grammatical usages or pronunciations occur, are called ___.
  4. 10. regional variation takes ___ to develop.
  5. 11. In the USA, ____ can identify distinguishing features of the speech of people from different region.
  1. 1. Social dialect surveys have demonstrated that stable variables tend to divide ___ communities sharply between the middle class and lower or working classes.
  2. 2. ___ are linguistic varieties which are distinguishable by their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
  3. 3. The dialect of ___ people with some education consists of 5 stylistic levels.
  4. 5. The stereotypical ‘dialect’ speaker is an elderly ___ person who is all but unintelligible to modern city dwellers.
  5. 6. The term __ class is used as a shorthand for differences between people according to social prestige, wealth and education.
  6. 8. ___ dialects happened because of the caste system that has been determined by birth and strict social rules.