REGS Crossword of the Week #3

  1. 3. Chip & _____
  2. 5. The day we party, but dressed up; scary time.
  3. 7. What you are after you graduate; or unmarried man.
  4. 9. People who guide others in life; a few in the office.
  5. 11. What a couple extra years beyond the first degree will make you.
  6. 12. The public retirement system for California.
  1. 1. The happiest place on Earth; Aimee's office has a few items from it.
  2. 2. The elixir of life; salvation to all who drink it; necessary to get through the day for many in the office.
  3. 4. The study of the mind; a popular major.
  4. 6. What we throw for the soon to arrive babies!
  5. 8. Mom of the Belcher family; a member of our staff.
  6. 10. We have an office led by one; Larry knows it well.