Relations and Functions

  1. 2. to find the ___-intercept, you must input 0 as the y value and do basic algebra to find the correct value
  2. 4. lines with the same slope are _________ lines
  3. 6. a line with a _______ slope reaches up right and down left
  4. 8. _______ variable (usually the y-axis) will change according to the independent variables (usually the x-axis, usually continuous - time, distance, etc.)
  5. 9. Rate of change = slope. There are 20 mL of rain in a cup after 3 minutes and 60 mL after 11 minutes. What is the rate of change? 60-20/11-3 = 40/8 = 20/4 = ___
  6. 10. x must be the _______ of a fraction for the relation to be linear
  7. 11. if you can put the equation into slope ________ form, it will be a linear equation
  8. 12. slope of a vertical line
  9. 14. a line with a _______ slope reaches up left and down right
  10. 15. given a slope of 3/2 and the coordinates (4,6), find another point on the line. y-6/x-4 = 3/2. x = 6, y = ____
  1. 1. y-axis
  2. 2. run
  3. 3. m=y2-y1/x2-x1
  4. 4. lines with a negative reciprocal slope are _________ lines
  5. 5. if a line has a constant slope, it is a ________ relation
  6. 7. slope of a hoizontal line
  7. 9. in an ordered pair, the x value comes ______
  8. 11. to find the ___-intercept, you must input 0 as the x value and do basic algebra to find the correct value
  9. 13. in an ordered pair, the y value comes ______