Religion and Religious Education
- 2. Writing Books that are considered to be holy.
- 5. An unfavorable opinion about someone.
- 7. This refers to god or gods.
- 8. To behave in a different away from yourself.
- 10. The belief in one god.
- 13. The belief in more than one god.
- 14. A person who is not sure that god exists.
- 1. Beliefs about God or other spiritual beings.
- 2. Being A god who has supernatural power.
- 3. The belief in a power greater than oneself.
- 4. A person that does not believe that god exists.
- 6. Customs/traditions/civilization of a society.
- 7. Different branches of a religion.
- 9. of passage Series of actions or a ceremony
- 11. A personal commitment that a person has.
- 12. Education Teaching about different religions.