Religion Events

  1. 4. the sacrament of anointing of the sick, especially when administered to the dying.NOSPACES
  2. 9. the beginning of the Buddha's teaching. NO SPACES
  3. 10. Occurs late February to early March. It remembers the deliverance of the Persian Jews from destruction. The day before Purim is spent fasting, the actual day of Purim is joyous. SINGLE WORD
  4. 12. s a celebration to thank the Sun, Mother Nature and the various farm animals that help to contribute to a bountiful harvest.SINGLE WORD
  5. 14. Celebrates the birth of Muhammad NO SPACES
  6. 16. Occurs shortly after Rosh Hashanah. It is the Day of Atonement. It runs from sunset to sunset and believers do not eat or drink during this time. It is a time to repent for actions of the past year.NO SPACES
  7. 17. Celebrating Jesus's resurection SINGLEWORD
  8. 18. A ceremony for boys at the age of 13. It makes a Jewish boy’s entry into the community as an adult. The words literally mean “son of the Commandment.”NOSPACES
  9. 20. The marking of a young Muslim’s formal entry into Islam. There is no set age for this rite, though it is most commonly celebrated during the teenage years.SINGLEWORD
  10. 22. The feast period just after the month long fast of Ramadan. It lasts for three days. NO SPACES
  11. 23. The Jewish marriage ceremony. It takes place under a huppah (canopy) and includes the ritual breaking of a glass underfoot. The breaking of the glass is an act to commemorate the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 C.E.SINGLE WORD
  12. 26. The final 10 days of Ramadan. Muslims celebrate Muhammad’s first revelation. NO SPACES
  13. 28. State of being married.SINGLEWORD
  14. 29. also known as Holy Communion and the Lord's Supper among other names, is a Christian rite that is considered a sacrament in most churches, and as an ordinance in others.SINGLEWORD
  15. 30. The birth of Jesus Christ. SINGLEWORD
  16. 31. Celebrated on the 27th Day of the 7th month in the Islamic Calendar. It marks Muhammad’s journey from Mecca.NO SPACES
  17. 32. refers to the weekly practice of coming together to reaffirm commitment in Theravada tradition. SINGLE WORD
  1. 1. commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other disciples following the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ.SINGLEWORD
  2. 2. The feast of Booths. It lasts for nine days and occurs around the end of September/October. It is known as the Harvest celebration.SINGLE WORD
  3. 3. celebration of Buddha's birthday and, for some Buddhists, marks his enlightenment. Also Known as Buddha Day. SINGLE WORD
  4. 5. This Holy Festival takes place in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting and daily repentance. SINGLEWORD
  5. 6. receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. SINGLEWORD
  6. 7. Occurs from late March to early April. It honours the delivery of the Jewish people from slavery. It lasts between 7 and 8 days (depending upon the branch of Judaism).Also Known as Passover. SINGLE WORD
  7. 8. Occurs late November to mid December. Known as the Festival of Lights it celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians in the second century B.C.E.Also known as Channukah.SINGLE WORD
  8. 10. punishment inflicted on oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrong doing. SINGLEWORD
  9. 11. To commemorate Jesus's crucifixion.SINGLEWORD
  10. 13. a day of prayers and penance. Dedicated to Lord Subramaniam. SINGLEWORD
  11. 15. the Christian rite of initiation.SINGLEWORD
  12. 19. This is the covenant of circumcision. It is the ritual removal of the foreskin which is performed in accordance with the Torah scripture Genesis 17:10. It takes place on the 8th day of a baby boy’s life.NO SPACES
  13. 21. An informal Birth ceremony. SINGLEWORD
  14. 24. Festival is celebrated as a way to welcome in spring, and also is seen as a new beginning where people can release all their inhibitions and start fresh.SINGLE WORD
  15. 25. Occurs in May/June and lasts for 2 days. It is the spring harvest festival and the celebration of God’s gift of the Torah.SINGLE WORD
  16. 27. The Jewish New Year. Occurs around the middle of September/October. It celebrates the religious New Year and the creation of the earth.NO SPACES