Religion Puzzle - Lent, Triduum, Easter

  1. 8. the fulfillment of God's plan of salvation(2 words)
  2. 9. first name of the woman who was the first to see the risen Christ
  3. 11. Dismas (2 words)
  4. 12. the eve of a holy day
  5. 15. Jewish religious ruling council
  6. 17. a follower of Jesus during His life
  7. 28. set apart for sacred purpose
  8. 29. last name of the woman who was the first to see the risen Christ
  9. 30. instituted at the Last Supper
  10. 31. 40 days after Easter, Jesus returns to the Father
  11. 32. He betrayed Jesus
  12. 33. Jesus' Passover meal with his disciples(2 words)
  13. 34. number of stations of the Cross
  14. 37. means "three days"
  15. 38. marks the beginning of the Church
  16. 39. the beginning of lent(2 words)
  17. 40. Garden where Jesus was arrested
  18. 41. sacred place dedicated to a person or event
  19. 43. gift from God that helps us live good lives
  20. 44. a religious ceremony regarding divine grace, ex. Eucharist
  21. 45. Sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion (2 words)
  22. 46. with God and Jesus completes the holy trinity (2 words)
  23. 47. number of days after Easter that Jesus ascended
  1. 1. mocking God
  2. 2. High priest who accused Jesus of blasphemy
  3. 3. the Last Supper was the first one of these
  4. 4. commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem(2 words)
  5. 5. Pontius Pilate's title in Judea
  6. 6. the symbol of salvation Jesus Christ offers to the world
  7. 7. the day we recall Jesus' suffering and death (2 words)
  8. 10. A Roman soldier that put a spear in Jesus' side
  9. 13. Jesus' Father
  10. 14. Greek word meaning "fiftieth day"
  11. 16. day we recall how Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples(2 words)
  12. 18. helped Jesus carry His cross (3 words)
  13. 19. every time we receive this, we experience the real presence of Christ
  14. 20. Man married to Mary
  15. 21. Passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ(2 words)
  16. 22. three day period starting with evening mass on Holy Thursday (2 words)
  17. 23. 40 days to prepare for Easter
  18. 24. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (abbreviation)
  19. 25. bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Jesus
  20. 26. Jewish feast celebrating God's deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
  21. 27. son of God
  22. 33. prayer, fasting, and almsgiving(2 words)
  23. 35. gave Jesus a cloth to wipe His face
  24. 36. the first saint of the church
  25. 42. sacred day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus