
  1. 4. Love for family
  2. 5. Creator of all things and main author of the Bible
  3. 7. God's messenger
  4. 8. Name of the first man created by God in His own image
  5. 11. Mysteries about Jesus' sufferings and death on the cross
  6. 12. Collection of books about words of God
  7. 13. Love for friends
  8. 14. Mysteries about Jesus' resurrection and the glorious life that awaits in heaven
  9. 17. Scripture It is the other name or term for Bible
  10. 19. Mysteries about Jesus' birth and early life
  11. 20. The first woman created by God in His likeness
  1. 1. A Catholic prayer based on the Bible that reminds us about Jesus' life.
  2. 2. Another name for Old Testament
  3. 3. Additional seven books in the Catholic Bible
  4. 6. Testament Part of the Bible that have 46 books and focuses on the events before Jesus was born
  5. 9. Love for God
  6. 10. Mysteries about the teachings of Jesus about God
  7. 15. Days Number of days God made all the creations (including the rest or holy day)
  8. 16. Love for married person
  9. 18. Testament Part of the Bible that have 27 books and about event during and after Jesus' death