
  1. 2. foul-smelling, spiny tropical fruit
  2. 3. cupboard or cabinet
  3. 5. harmless medicine prescribed for psychological benefit
  4. 7. metal formed from combination of two or more elements
  5. 9. rebirth or revival; in particular, of art and literature in the Middle Ages
  6. 10. foreign or migratory; also a powerful species of falcon
  7. 11. sorcery used to reanimate the dead
  8. 14. small explosive device that is thrown by hand
  9. 15. protein-rich fluid present in animal tissue
  10. 18. divide into two branches
  11. 19. to wrestle or tussle
  1. 1. legal summons to testify in court
  2. 4. state of metabolic depression during winter in animals
  3. 6. recently-discovered carnivorous animal
  4. 7. old-fashioned; no longer in ordinary use
  5. 8. a hand tool with a square, flat blade for shaping wood
  6. 10. 1950s-style hairstyle popularised by Elvis Presley
  7. 12. art of persuasive public speaking
  8. 13. vocabulary of a language
  9. 16. to turn away; to ward off or prevent
  10. 17. a daydream; being lost in one's thoughts