Renewable Energy-Dylan Dexter

  1. 1. Core of the Nuclear reactor starts to melt
  2. 5. clean way to obtain energy from sun
  3. 7. energy obtained by from photovoltaic
  4. 9. Uses mechanical and electrical to obtain energy
  5. 10. When two or more atoms in a reactor combine
  6. 14. Energy from flowing water
  7. 15. type of energy were you have to split uranium atoms
  8. 16. a Field of turbines
  9. 17. A cell producing electrical current directly from reaction
  10. 18. Heavy nucleus splitting spontaneously
  1. 2. Used to obtain energy from the wind
  2. 3. Fuel take directly from living organism
  3. 4. Obtaining earths heat through a pump
  4. 6. Energy produced from earths heat
  5. 8. Electricity and water used from energy
  6. 11. Layer to detect data injections
  7. 12. Plant based energy
  8. 13. Energy obtained from tidal and or waves