
  1. 2. Spanish for, first
  2. 3. Spanish for, What is the date from today?
  3. 5. Spanish for, Is cool
  4. 10. Week, in spanish
  5. 11. Spanish for, snows
  6. 12. Spanish for, birthday
  7. 13. Spanish for, See you later!
  8. 15. Your'e welcome, in spanish
  9. 16. How much is it?, in spanish
  10. 17. Spanish for, What day is today?
  11. 18. Spanish for, saturday
  1. 1. Spanish for, regards
  2. 2. Spanish for, the month
  3. 4. Spanish for politeness
  4. 6. Spanish, for tomorrow
  5. 7. Spanish for, very good
  6. 8. Spanish for, good afternoon
  7. 9. Spanish for, rains
  8. 14. Spanish for, the winter