Repaso D Vocabulario
- 4. to catch
- 5. to want
- 7. always
- 11. to want
- 13. right
- 14. foot
- 15. homerun
- 16. knee
- 18. to bore
- 19. to run
- 20. to return
- 21. the outfielder
- 23. the batter (M)
- 25. the baseball
- 27. the pitcher
- 28. the base
- 30. the glove
- 31. the ball
- 33. to like
- 1. sometimes
- 2. to prefer
- 3. left
- 6. leg
- 8. arm
- 9. to pass(ue)
- 10. ticket
- 12. the catcher
- 17. head
- 22. the batter (F)
- 23. the plate
- 24. the bat
- 26. to find interesting
- 29. to bat
- 32. hand