Repaso Unidad Preliminar

  1. 3. purple
  2. 4. the tables
  3. 6. Today is Monday
  4. 7. My name is
  5. 12. January 1st
  6. 15. the school
  7. 17. Natural sciences
  8. 19. yellow
  9. 21. thank you
  10. 23. the gymnasium
  11. 25. the doors
  1. 1. good night or good evening
  2. 2. It's 3:30
  3. 5. See you tomorrow
  4. 8. Spanish class
  5. 9. the bookbag
  6. 10. you're welcome
  7. 11. Country has 2 capitals
  8. 13. eighteen
  9. 14. doce + tres =
  10. 16. lightblue
  11. 18. the bathroom
  12. 20. the spring
  13. 22. good morning
  14. 24. catorce + seis =