Research Methods

  1. 4. well developed set of ideas that propose an explanation for some
  2. 7. inert substance used in controlled experiments to test the effectiveness of another substance
  3. 9. correlation does not imply
  4. 11. when a distribution includes an extreme score that is very low,the graph is moved
  5. 12. questioning a large group of people about their attitudes beliefs etc
  6. 14. difference between high and low
  7. 15. as one variable increases the other also increases
  8. 16. sampling method that represents a more generalized group
  1. 1. a testable predication often implied by a theory
  2. 2. the total group to be studied and from whom samples may be drawn
  3. 3. participants privacy must be protected
  4. 5. measure of the extent that two variables change together
  5. 6. the way you have something worded can affect experiment
  6. 8. a graphed cluster of dots each with represent the values to two variables
  7. 10. the result you are looking for
  8. 13. when a survey group is not representative of the population being surveyed
  9. 17. most common