Resources, Technology, and World Trade

  1. 2. Buying goods or resources from other countries.
  2. 4. Soil, wind, sunlight, and trees are examples of ______ resources.
  3. 7. Materials like gold are examples of _______ resources.
  4. 9. Trees are an example of ________ resources.
  5. 10. Sierra Leone, Cambodia, and Guatemala are examples of ______ countries.
  6. 11. A number limit for a particular resource on how much a certain nation can import.
  7. 12. When a country relies on another for goods, ideas, and services.
  1. 1. Selling goods or resources to other countries.
  2. 3. Taxes added to the goods that are imported.
  3. 4. South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand are examples or ______________ countries.
  4. 5. Removal of trade restrictions.
  5. 6. A system that sets rules for who will produce resources and who will receive them is a _______ system.
  6. 8. USA, France, and Japan are examples of ________ countries.