- 4. converts ADP to ATP, also known as the citric acid cycle, and is part of cellular respiration.
- 5. a ribose sugar and three phosphate groups.
- 7. transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain.
- 8. naturally present in the air and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
- 9. the breakdown of glucose by enzymes.
- 10. site of oxidation of organic molecules.
- 11. uses high energy electrons to convert ADP to ATP.
- 14. the infoldings or inward projections of the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
- 15. produced in the citric acid cycle.
- 16. high energy molecule used by cells to generate ATP.
- 17. to require oxygen
- 18. 2 carbons join a compound called Coenzyme A.
- 1. a simple sugar.
- 2. chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms.
- 3. needed to make citric acid.
- 6. the product of glycolysis.
- 8. made by the fermentation of sugar
- 10. organelle found in most cells, where respiration and energy production occur.
- 12. odorless reactive gas that forms 20 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.
- 13. important enzyme that provides energy for the cell to use through the synthesis of ATP.