  1. 3. breath sounds heard over the trachea and larynx and are high-pitched and loud.
  2. 4. breath sounds are heard over the lung surfaces, are lower-pitched, and often described as soft, rustling sounds.
  3. 7. high blood levels of carbon dioxide
  4. 10. greater than 20 breaths per minute
  5. 14. a bluish discoloration of the skin, lips, and nail beds
  6. 15. heard only on inspiration
  7. 16. whistling-type noises produced during expiration (and sometimes inspiration)
  1. 1. sounds are medium-pitched and heard over the major bronchi.
  2. 2. a bulbous enlargement of the tips of the fingers due to chronic hypoxia.
  3. 3. less than 12 breaths per minute
  4. 5. popping or crackling sounds heard on inspiration
  5. 6. the loss of color
  6. 8. low blood levels of oxygen
  7. 9. Rub, may be heard on either inspiration or expiration and sounds like the rubbing together of leather
  8. 11. feels like a popping or crackling sensation when the skin is palpated
  9. 12. outward curvature of the spine
  10. 13. difficulty breathing specifically when lying down