
  1. 4. Conchae
  2. 6. Conduction portion and ___ portion
  3. 8. Divides the nasal cavities
  4. 9. Pores of ____ are openings between adjacent alveoli.
  5. 11. Grape like clusters in the lung where gas exchange occurs
  6. 13. Type II pneumocyte is also known as ______ cell
  7. 14. Passageway; alveolar ___
  8. 15. Mucous secreting cell; ___ cell
  9. 16. Produced by alevolar type II cells
  10. 19. Type of cartilage that makes up the epiglottis
  11. 22. The bronchi branch into ____
  12. 24. Type of cartilage that makes up C-rings in the trachea
  13. 25. Domed shape cells with no cilia found in the bronchioles; ___ cells
  14. 26. How many lobes does the right lung have?
  1. 1. Alveolar macrophage; ___ cell
  2. 2. opening through the nose carrying air into the nasal cavities
  3. 3. Type of epithelium in respiratory epithelium
  4. 5. Air spaces within bone; paranasal ___
  5. 7. Hair like projection on respiratory epithelium
  6. 10. The _____ cell in the nasal cavity is a type of neuron.
  7. 12. Flaplike cartilage in the larynx
  8. 17. Thyroid cartilage; Adam's ___
  9. 18. Windpipe
  10. 20. Cluster of alveoli form an alveolar ___
  11. 21. Branches off the trachea
  12. 23. Both food and air passageway