Respiratory and Circulatory System

  1. 4. Where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
  2. 5. Lump of material formed from the content of liquid
  3. 6. Plays an important role in forming blood clots
  4. 7. Breathing tubes of insects located on the abdomen
  5. 8. Controls the heartbeat
  6. 10. It smell things and you breathe out of it
  7. 11. Dome-shaped muscle that located at the base of the lungs
  8. 13. carries air into lungs
  9. 17. Form the basis of a blood clot
  10. 19. Close to your heart
  11. 20. Heart and chest protector
  12. 22. Passage between the pharynx and the stomach
  13. 24. Blood vessel that carries the blood away from the heart
  14. 26. Pumps blood out of the heart
  15. 28. voice box
  1. 1. Receives blood that come to the heart
  2. 2. Breathing tube and the airway
  3. 3. Cords Talking and singing ability
  4. 6. Artery
  5. 8. Passage to the stomach and lungs
  6. 9. covers the windpipe (keeps food from entering)
  7. 12. Liquid part of the blood
  8. 14. Circulation director and chest beater
  9. 15. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with water
  10. 16. Blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart
  11. 18. Lining that keeps the lungs from rubbing against the ribs
  12. 21. Where substances are exchanged between the blood and body cells
  13. 23. Largest artery in the body:receives blood from the left ventricle
  14. 25. Marrow Soft tissue inside the bone that produces blood cells
  15. 27. Muscle Muscle tissue of the heart