Respiratory and Circulatory System

  1. 4. Your body removes this during respiration
  2. 5. After air passes through your larynx, it enters this part of your body
  3. 9. Returns blood TO the heart
  4. 10. Occurs when blood flow is interrupted to the brain (clot in blood vessel)
  5. 12. Heart is not strong enough to pump blood to the rest of the body.
  6. 14. After the blood enters the vena cava, it enters this part of the heart
  7. 15. This is the muscle under your ribs that forces air into and out of your lungs
  8. 17. This allows blood to move in and out between the chambers
  9. 18. Blood goes here to pick up oxygen
  10. 19. Bottom two chambers
  1. 1. The bronchi are broken down into smaller passageways
  2. 2. Tiny sacs at the end of bronchioles
  3. 3. Provides nutrients and oxygen through blood
  4. 6. Tiny vessels that connects arteries to veins
  5. 7. Top two chambers
  6. 8. The trachea splits into two tubes called this
  7. 11. Carries oxygen AWAY from the heart
  8. 13. After the blood enters the right atrium, it flows into this part of the heart
  9. 16. During respiration, this gas is brought to all parts of the body via cells to help you live