Respiratory Crossword

  1. 2. The central blank is located in the medulla near the respiratory control center
  2. 5. Pulmonary ventilation is equal to the tidal volume multiplied by the blank rate
  3. 6. These blood vessels encircle each alveolus
  4. 11. O2 and CO2 diffuse down partial blank gradients
  5. 13. Most oxygen is bound to this during transportation in the blood
  6. 16. There is total lung capacity at this level of lung inflation
  7. 18. These repository centers consist of the Dorsal and Ventral respiratory groups
  8. 19. Law States that at any constant temperature, the pressure exerted by a gas varies inversely with the volume of a gas
  9. 21. Where the respiratory airways lead
  10. 22. Carotid bodies are located in the blank sinus
  11. 24. Lungs have this type of recoil due to the connective tissue and alveolar surface tension
  12. 25. The percent blank is low where the partial pressure of oxygen is low e.g tissue cells
  1. 1. Another word for red blood cells
  2. 3. Respiration’s main goal is to obtain this gas for use by the body’s cells
  3. 4. Lungs are suspended in this sac which is like a completely closed box
  4. 7. These respiratory centers modulate activity of medullary centers to promote smooth breathing rhythms
  5. 8. One of the two processes of respiration used within the cells
  6. 9. Monoxide This gas is colorless and odorless and is the leading cause of death by poison
  7. 10. Complex This complex is a region rostral from the VRG where respiratory rhythm is generated
  8. 12. Thin walled inflatable sacs that function is gas exchange
  9. 14. These blank bodies are located in the aortic arch
  10. 15. Dioxide The pressure of this gas is directly related to pH
  11. 17. CO2 is physically blank when bound to hemoglobin
  12. 20. cells Cells of this shape are more rigid and more prone to break and result from a single point mutation
  13. 23. Intra-alveolar pressure is less than the blank pressure