  1. 1. Required for cellular respiration.
  2. 3. Also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  3. 5. Two branches at the end of the trachea.
  4. 10. Fluid build up in air sacs caused by attitude sickness.
  5. 12. Intersection where pathway for air and food cross.
  6. 14. Air sacs for gas exchange.
  7. 15. Keeps alveoli from collapsing.
  8. 16. Have scattered goblet cells.
  9. 20. Severe allergic reaction characterised by the constriction of bronchioles.
  10. 21. Fine tubes that allow passage of air.
  11. 22. Inflammation of the lining of the bronchioles.
  12. 23. cancer, Irregular and uncontrolled growth of tumors.
  13. 25. Divides left and right nostrils.
  14. 26. Condition where the alveoli deteriorate.
  15. 28. Organ of gas exchange.
  16. 29. Duct, Thin-walled tubes, lined with simple squamous epithelium.
  17. 30. Muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  1. 2. Opening with vocal cords.
  2. 4. Keeps the windpipe "open"
  3. 6. Spaces within the skull bones.
  4. 7. Respiratory center of the brain.
  5. 8. Cavity where lungs sit.
  6. 9. Caused by bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  7. 11. Cavity, Filters, warms, and moistens air.
  8. 13. System, Work closely with circulatory system exchanging gases between air and blood.
  9. 17. Covers larynx during swallowing.
  10. 18. Contains vocal cords.
  11. 19. Spasm of the diaphragm.
  12. 24. Pause of breathing during sleep.
  13. 27. A condition where the alveoli becomes filled with fluid.