Respiratory System

  1. 3. Defieciency of oxygen due to decreased oxygen in blood.
  2. 4. Normal, easy respiration.
  3. 7. Abnormally slow breathing.
  4. 9. The amout of air in 1 inhalation/exhalation.
  5. 11. Passageway for air only.
  6. 13. A genetic disease that produces large amounts of sticky think secretion that clog the lungs and pancreas.
  7. 15. Condition of bluish coloration of skin caused by decreased oxygen in the blood.
  8. 16. Windpipe, lined with cilia and mucus; cleans and moistens air.
  9. 17. Organ that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
  10. 18. Dilation of bronchial tubes.
  11. 20. Air moving over the vocal cords vibrates to produce sound.
  12. 21. Inflammation of sinuses.
  13. 23. The expulsion of air from the lungs.
  14. 24. Very shallow breathing.
  15. 25. Inflammation of the voice box.
  16. 27. Pus in the pleural cavity.
  17. 28. A lipoprotein secreted by the alveolar cells.
  18. 32. Difficult voice; hoarseness or any voice impairment.
  19. 33. The exchange of gases between the systemic capillaries and body tissues.
  20. 34. Fluid in the lungs.
  21. 36. Contraction of the muscles of the larynx.
  22. 37. The potential space between the two pleura of the lungs.
  23. 39. Reason internal intercostal muscles are important.
  24. 41. Removal of adenoids.
  25. 44. Abnormal condition of dust in the lungs.
  26. 46. Spitting up blood.
  27. 47. exhalation.
  28. 48. Air left in the lungs after a forceful exhalation.
  29. 49. Cough up and spit out mucus from the respiratory tract.
  30. 51. Reflex spasms of the diaphragm.
  31. 52. Blood in the pleural cavity; seen in pneumonia, tuberculosis, or carcinoma.
  32. 53. A nose bleed.
  1. 1. ____ is when alveoli looses its elasticity and can't recoil.
  2. 2. Hard surface seperating oral cavity from nasal cavity.
  3. 5. Tiny air sacs in the lungs.
  4. 6. Infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacteria that causes formation of tubercles, caseation necrosis of lung tissue.
  5. 8. Base of the lungs, large muscle that relaxes and contracts to allow air to rush in and to be pushed out of the lungs.
  6. 10. Voice box; has two vocal cords which vibrate to produce your voice.
  7. 12. Rapid breathing.
  8. 14. Nares.
  9. 15. How are irritants on mucosa of the larynx are removed.
  10. 16. Removal of tonsils.
  11. 19. Hair-like structures in the nose and sweep mucus to your throat where you swallow it.
  12. 22. Instrument used for measuring breathing.
  13. 23. Keep food from entering the larynx.
  14. 26. The amount of air remaining in the lungs after all that can be breathed out forcibly.
  15. 29. The accumulation of carbon dioxide
  16. 30. Hypersensitivity and irritation of conducting passageways.
  17. 31. Also called pharyngeal tonsils or nasopharyngeal tonsils.
  18. 35. Decrease in the amount of oxygen and increase in amount of carbon dioxide in the blood leading to absence of pulse.
  19. 38. Discharge from the nose.
  20. 40. The chemical process that allows oxygen and glucose to produce energy and water.
  21. 42. The passages that direct air into the lungs; make smaller and smaller tubes that look like the branches of a tree.
  22. 43. The primary entrance for air into the respiratory system.
  23. 44. Air in pleural space.
  24. 45. The visceral and parietal are each.
  25. 50. The throat.