Respiratory System

  1. 2. under your ribs
  2. 6. Gas exchange is the process by which O2 in the air is exchanged for CO2 in the bloodstream
  3. 8. structure made mainly of cartilage that connects the pharynx and trachea and serves as a passageway for air and for the production of sound
  4. 10. The respiratory system functions in the exchange of gases between body cells and the environment
  5. 11. situated between the ribs.
  6. 13. the normal pathway for air to enter and exit the respiratory system
  7. 15. also known as the throat, is the region at the back of nose & mouth
  8. 16. a network of tubes that conduct air into the lungs
  1. 1. Breathing, also called ventilation, is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs to reach alveoli
  2. 3. In order to live, humans produce energy by a process called respiration
  3. 4. The lungs contain over 500 million which are microscopic air sacs at the ends of the bronchioles
  4. 5. Inspiration brings air into the lungs by increasing the volume of the thorax
  5. 7. Expiration lets air flow out of the lungs by decreasing the volume of the thorax
  6. 9. also known as the windpipe, is a 4-5 inch long rigid tube that carries air from the larynx to the bronchial tree of the lungs
  7. 12. a pair of soft, cone-shaped organs that occupy most of the space in the thoracic cavity
  8. 14. The cardiovascular system works with the respiratory system to transport O2 from the lungs to body cells and returns CO2 from body cells to the lungs for removal