Respiratory System

  1. 2. network of tubs that conduct air into the lungs
  2. 3. part behind the mouth that connects nose and mouth
  3. 4. the trachea splits into two primary
  4. 7. o2 enters the body and co2 leaves the body
  5. 10. pathway for air to enter and exit the body
  6. 12. two sets of heavy folds
  7. 15. divided into three passage ways
  8. 16. small opening to the larynx
  9. 18. also known as the windpipe
  10. 19. maintains a acid based balance
  1. 1. part of the pharynx behind the nasal cavity
  2. 2. the bronchi narrows until it reachs a diameter of 1mm and they are called
  3. 5. soft cone shaped organs
  4. 6. connects the pharynx and the trachea
  5. 8. tiny air sac
  6. 9. the respiratory system protects the body from foreign invaders
  7. 11. lined with mucus membranes
  8. 13. tube held open by c shaped
  9. 14. filter out air particles
  10. 17. known as the throat