  1. 3. Trachea and lungs are connected by ...
  2. 4. Vocal cords are in here
  3. 6. The 2 layers of membrane in lungs.
  4. 8. It can prevent food to come into trachea
  5. 9. Gases exhange happen in here to increase O2
  6. 10. The blood cells that carry O2 and CO2
  7. 11. Heartbeat rate controlled by this. It is connected by carotid sinus nerve
  1. 1. CO2 form in erythrocyte is .... ion
  2. 2. Gasses exhange from alveoli to our capilaries by ... from high concentration to low concentration
  3. 4. Two baloons are inside the bottle as our ....
  4. 5. The volumen in our lungs when we rest and breath normally
  5. 7. The muscle under the lungs that can contract when we are breathing