Respiratory system

  1. 3. alveolar spaces as well as interstitium contain eosinophilic, granular, homogeneous and pink proteinaceous edema
  2. 5. condition of the lungs that is characterized by widespread narrowing of the bronchioles and formation of mucous plugs
  3. 7. hilar arising from a large bronchus and invades lung parenchyma with ulcerated surface.
  4. 8. cut surface of the involved lobe is airless, red-pink, dry, granular and has liver-like consistency
  5. 10. the affected lobe is enlarged, heavy, dark red and congested
  6. 13. acute inflammatory disease involving the bronchioles and the alveoli is called
  7. 14. honey bee combs like structure(fig.4)
  8. 15. the lungs are heavy with red-brown areas of consolidation
  9. 17. what type of disease this slide show(fig.2)
  10. 18. epithelium forming twisted strips (Curschmann’s spirals), diamond-shaped crystals of eosinophils (Charcot-Leyden crystals)
  11. 19. the affected lungs are small and firm with cartilage-like thickening of the pleura
  12. 20. patchy consolidated lesions appear dry, granular, firm, red or grey colour, 3 to 4 cm in diameter of lobe
  1. 1. Infiltration of mucous wall of bronchi by lymphocytes(fig.3)
  2. 2. affected lobes shows characteristic honey-combed appearance due to dilated airways containing muco-pus thickening of their walls
  3. 4. lung parenchyma are replaced by multiple, variable-sized, circumscribed nodular masses which are grey-white in colour(fig. 6)
  4. 6. the lesions appear as circumscribed, flat, small, firm or hard, bilateral nodules
  5. 9. the lung is increased in size, firm, brownish, grey-white tissue surrounded bronchus and blood vessels
  6. 11. lungs are enlarged and overinflated as seen in picture(fig.1)
  7. 12. affected lobe is firm and heavy, dry, granular and grey in appearance with liver like consistency
  8. 16. the pleura is thickened having irregular and ragged inner walls with multiple cavities(fig.5)