Respiratory System

  1. 2. can be caused by smoking or hereditary
  2. 6. part of capillaries that warms air
  3. 10. disease that causes strong bronchioconstriction
  4. 11. unloading is the goal of systemic capillaries
  5. 12. upper respiratory system and made of bones and hyaline cartilage
  6. 14. treat bronchospasms caused by asthma attacks
  7. 16. Reflex aka Hering-Breuer Reflex
  8. 17. grooves under nasal concha
  9. 18. tonsil located posterior to the nasal cavity
  10. 23. 4 inches long
  11. 26. is mostly oxygen and nitrogen
  12. 27. nerve innervates the diaphragm
  13. 29. cartilage lateral to laryngeal prominence
  14. 32. skin color when saturation is less than 75%
  15. 35. respiration uses oxygen and CO2 made by cells
  16. 36. respiratory rate controlled by neurons in the brainstem
  17. 38. how about 20% of CO2 is transported from the tissues to the lungs
  18. 39. connects the open end of cartilage rings
  19. 41. Respiratory Group sends signals to VRG that help make sure respiratory rhythm is good
  20. 42. monoxide poisoning leading cause of death in fires
  1. 1. composed of capillary and alveolar walls and their basement membranes
  2. 3. COPD patients that lose a lot of weight but still have normal blood gas levels
  3. 4. cartilage that anchors vocal cords
  4. 5. there are 3 of these in the nasal cavity (superior, middle, inferior)
  5. 7. another sense a part of respiratory system
  6. 8. moistening of entering air
  7. 9. intercostals are used along with the diaphragm for quiet inspiration
  8. 13. sinuses mucosa lined, air filled cavities
  9. 15. compliance is the stretchiness and denseness of the lungs
  10. 19. fully saturated when 4 oxygen are bound
  11. 20. folds closes the glottis when swallowing and has nothing to with sound production
  12. 21. respond when levels of carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen change
  13. 22. zone passageway for airflow from nose to bronchioles
  14. 24. part of pharynx behind oral cavity
  15. 25. is what happens if intrapleural pressure = 0mmHg and atmospheric pressure = 0mmHg
  16. 28. is the 2 breathing processes (air going into and leaving the lungs)
  17. 30. another term for collapsed lungs
  18. 31. 2nd wall layer in trachea
  19. 33. sacs are a group of alveoli
  20. 34. 3rd branch of bronchioles
  21. 37. diffusion is the transportation for gas exchange across respiratory membrane
  22. 40. system uses 4 processes to get rid of carbon dioxide in the body and supplies the body with oxygen.